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Health system performance at local level: on FRIDAY JUNE 1 RESEARCHERS OF Sant’Anna school Management and health (MeS) laboratory present regional network results 2017 in Venice

Publication date: 22.05.2018
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On June 1, in Venice, Sant’Anna School researchers of the Management and Health (MeS) Laboratory will present the performance assessment of the Italian regional health systems for 2017. Since 2008, ten Italian regions, Basilicata, Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Puglia, Toscana, Umbria, Veneto and P.A. Trento – Bolzano have implemented a quality approach to 300 performance indicators through the national network.

The assessment offers policy-makers a major opportunity for health systems improvement and accountability. Through a benchmarking process, performance measurements are used to integrate data into effective structures for governance, as many of the advantages of performance measurement cannot be realized without an active leadership of government initiatives and a clear conceptual framework also ensuring public trust in information.

Bringing together key speakers in the health systems assessment process and policy makers, Domenico Mantoan (Regione Veneto), Federico Paoli (Structural reform support service, European Commission) and Josep Figueras (Director of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies), this conference will focus on a new presentation of performance measures for European stakeholders to evaluate and communicate the extent to which different aspects of the health systems meet their productivity, efficiency, equity and responsiveness objectives.

 “As many Italian regional authorities asked for decentralization and subsidiarity which involve autonomy in resources and policy implementation – said professor Sabina Nuti, the MeS Laboratory coordinator - the policy challenge is to identify the most appropriate instrument to measure performance when monitoring outcomes. As a public university, Sant’Anna School researchers and scholars are honored to support regional organizations for carrying out network high quality activities”.